
Travertine Bathroom Vanity

by Darren

Travertine Bathroom Vanity

Travertine Bathroom Vanity

We installed this travertine bathroom vanity with a raised shelf. The home owner and designer wanted to make use of the entire remnant they had purchased. This is how we used the rest of the remnant - the raised shelf.

After installing a four inch back splash we placed another four inch piece on top creating a small shelf.

Travertine Bathroom VanityTo keep the shelf from interfering with the faucet and handles, we cloned the shape of the sink bowl into the shelf.

Sitting next to the mirror, the shelf gives the illusion of being twice as wide.

The stone had been filled at the factory but every time we cut it, like for a sink hole, we had to refill any holes that were opened with a tinted epoxy.

The travertine is fragile because it has so many air pockets in the stone. We had to be very careful during the installation.

Comments for Travertine Bathroom Vanity

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Stone Shelf
by: Anonymous

It is supported - look at the picture on top -
back splash runs the entire length underneath the shelf. It's also supported on both ends by the back splash.

If you didn't have one end supported, you could use
a small corbel. The shelf is only 4" deep.

We did something similar in our own kitchen except the shelf is 10" deep. On this one we had to support both the front and the back of the shelf.

Built a box made out of 2x4's. Put granite along the front and then laid a piece of stone on top.

Does this help?

how di you support the shelf?
by: Susan

I want to do something similar with the quartz material I've chosen but, the fabricator insists that there will need to be extra support for the front at least in 4 places. My vanity will be 64 inches long. How was your shelf supported?

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