
Natural Stone Countertops

How To Hire A Great Contractor

Finding a quality stone pro to install your natural stone countertops is extremely important! You want a TIMELY & a TOP NOTCH job done. An install that'll stand up to the test of time. You also want to make certain the stone contractor is not running off with your hard earned cash and leaving you empty handed!

Palladio Natural Stone Countertops

Not sure where to find stone pros? Here's a great place to start when you're looking for quality stone & granite fabricators. Compare prices AND compare track records!

Here's what you're looking for:

  1. Always get more than ONE estimate.

  2. Meet them in person before hiring them.

  3. Go to their place of business to make sure they have the tools and equipment for your project.

  4. Are they are licensed and insured?
    The uninsured get hurt on your property. You get sued.

  5. Ask for recent references.

  6. CHECK their references.

  7. Expect your calls to be returned promptly... your questions answered honestly.

  8. Get a bid in writing before hiring ANYONE.

  9. Don't pay for the entire job up front. They might ask you for a down payment but it shouldn't be more than 1/2 of the amount of the total job. The rest is paid upon completion.

  10. Compare prices. But more importantly, compare experience and reliability.

Hints & Tips

  • Request a referral from a job that had a complaint. We've all had complaints!
  • Ask the homeowner how the complaint was handled. It's how they're handled that matters.
  • Recent references are a MUST! Within the last month or two is the best.
  • Follow through on checking references.
  • Pictures are helpful but ask to view a recent job.
  • Always trust your gut instinct.

You'll Need

  • Motivation.
  • Ability to follow through.
  • Time.

Hiring Stone, Marble and Granite Fabricators


You'll find More Help On Hiring Contractors Below:

Landscaping Contractors Onyx Contractors Soapstone 
Contractors Granite Contractors

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