
Easy To Use Guide On Taking Care of Granite Countertops, Marble Floors, Travertine Bathrooms, etc.

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Answers your questions: How do I take care of granite? "What is etching? Do I need to seal? What's a poultice?" And more... 34 pages packed full of information and illustrations on taking care of your natural stone.

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Taking Care Of Your Natural Stone Taking Care Of Your Natural Stone

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Taking Care of Your Natural Stone


  • Cleaning Granite Countertops... Page 9
  • Tips To Reducing Mold... Page 13
  • To Seal or Not To Seal... Page 14
  • Choosing Kitchen Counter Tops... Page 16
  • How to Remove a Stain... Page 21

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Add Shine

Erase Scratches

Get Rid of Mold and Mildew

Get Rid of
Mold & Mildew
Repair Etch Marks

Etch Marks


Here's MORE Granite STUFF:

  • Browse through Stone Care Tips to get answers on stone care and resources on products.
  • Polished and honed granite refers to the different types of surface finishes applied to the face of natural stone. Which do you prefer?
  • Choosing Natural Stones provides you with the information you need to make an informative decision when choosing stone. Granite, marble, limestone or travertine... which stone is the best stone for you?
  • Need ideas for your next stone project? Start here with these interior design ideas.

Limestone Remnant Palladio Granite Juperana Crema Bordeaux Granite Shelf

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