
Choosing Natural Stone

Granite, marble, limestone, slate.....
Which natural stone will you use? Where will you use it?

The Look of Natural Stone

Stone isn't just for countertops. It's used inside of our homes and in the restaurants where we eat. It's used on the exteriors of commercial buildings and for the headstones of our loved ones.

Natural stone is used for fireplaces, flooring, sinks, bars, accents.... If you can imagine it, you can use stone.

It's unique in color, texture, durability, and porosity. The colors vary from the softest pinks to fiery reds. The purest whites to deep ocean blues. Dark emerald greens to jet blacks.

The patterns can be soft and subtle or they can be BOLD ATTENTION grabbers. Some stones, such as granite, work best for countertops. Others are more ideal for flooring.

Each and every natural stone is unique.

LimestoneWith over 1000 choices, choosing the right natural stone with the perfect color can seem overwhelming. It's not. It's just knowing what makes each type of stone unique.

It's knowing the "look" you want. From an elegant and formal look to a comfortable old world feel.

It's about you. What you like... what colors make you feel good.

Natural stone is about your lifestyle.

It's your starting point...

Read, Discover, and Use what you find on our natural stone site.

Absolute Black Granite
See a stone color you like? Hover your mouse over top of the picture to find the name of the stone.

Whether you're looking for SAFE stone cleaners or you're unsure of which product to use,
we're here to help.

My Moldy Pool - Before and After

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